Preventing Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's doesn't have to be your brain's destiny.

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Nowadays, more than 50% of people aged 85 have Alzheimer’s disease. Yet there is no disease-modifying treatment and no cure for the terrifying disease. It appears that we cannot do anything about it.

Well that is incorrect. You can reduce your risks of getting the disease without relying on a cure or advancements in medecine. Before getting into the solutions, let’s try to understand what Alzheimer really is.

The point of connection between two neurons in our brain is called the synapse. That is where communcation happens, allowing us to think, feel, see, hear, desire, and remember. During the process of communicating information, neurons release neurotransmitters to communicate with each other and a small peptide named amyloid beta. Amyloid beta accumulates over the years and forms amyloid plaques when we get older. Accumulation of these plaques can later on cause inflammation and cellular damage, which results in memory lapses.

Fortunately, the way we live influences the accumulation of amyloid plaques. To reduce the quantity of amyloid released in our brain as we grow up, we can sleep more, avoid getting cardiovascular health problems by doing aerobic exercises and eat healthy.

Moreover, studies have shown that some people have no physical signs of the disease despite the presence of many plaques within their brain. That is because they have a high level of cognitive reserve, in other words, more fonctional synapses than the average person. How is this possible? Well, engaging regularly in mentally stimulating activities strengthens neural connections and reduces the effects of Alzheimer’s.

In conclusion, Alzheimer’s can be prevented and does not need a cure. Make sure to follow the above advice!